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Best Red Maple Tree Companion Plants

Title: Best Red Maple Tree Companion Plants


Red maple trees are a popular choice for landscaping because of their beautiful fall foliage. However, they can also be quite large and imposing, so it's important to choose companion plants that will complement their size and color.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best companion plants for red maple trees. We will also provide tips on how to choose the right plants for your specific needs.

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Here are some of the best companion plants for red maple trees:

  • Hostas are a classic choice for companion plants with maple trees. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, so you can find one that will match your red maple tree perfectly. Hostas also prefer shady conditions, so they will thrive under the canopy of a red maple tree. Image of Hostas plants
  • Ferns are another good option for companion plants with red maple trees. They add a touch of elegance to any landscape and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Ferns also prefer shady conditions, so they will do well under a red maple tree. Image of Ferns plants
  • Astilbe is a beautiful flowering plant that adds a touch of color to the shade garden. It comes in a variety of colors, including pink, white, and purple. Astilbe prefers moist, well-drained soil, so it will need to be watered regularly. Image of Astilbe plants
  • Brunnera macrophylla is a hardy perennial that is known for its large, blue-green leaves. It blooms in the spring with small, blue flowers. Brunnera macrophylla prefers shady conditions and moist soil. Image of Brunnera macrophylla plants
  • Calamagrostis acutiflora is a tall, ornamental grass that adds a touch of texture to the shade garden. It blooms in the summer with fluffy, white plumes. Calamagrostis acutiflora prefers moist, well-drained soil and full to partial shade. Image of Calamagrostis acutiflora plants
  • Carex comans is a low-growing, spreading grass that adds a touch of softness to the shade garden. It blooms in the summer with small, brown flowers. Carex comans prefers moist, well-drained soil and full to partial shade. Image of Carex comans plants
  • Monarda didyma is a beautiful flowering plant that is known for its bright red flowers. It blooms in the summer and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Monarda didyma prefers moist, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Image of Monarda didyma plants
  • Phlox paniculata is a hardy perennial that is known for its bright pink, white, or purple flowers. It blooms in the summer and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Phlox paniculata prefers moist, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Image of Phlox paniculata plants
  • Rudbeckia hirta is a tall, daisy-like flower that adds a touch of color to the summer garden. It blooms in the summer and attracts butterflies and bees. Rudbeckia hirta prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Image of Rudbeckia hirta plants
  • Veronicastrum virginicum is a tall, airy perennial that adds a touch of elegance to the summer garden. It blooms in the summer with spikes of white or pink flowers. Veronicastrum virginicum prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Image of Veronicastrum virginicum plants


These are just a few of the many great companion plants for red maple trees. When choosing companion plants, it is important to consider the size, color, and light requirements of both the maple tree and the other plants. By choosing the right companion plants, you can create a beautiful and harmonious landscape that will thrive for years to come.

Are you looking for the perfect companion plants for your red maple tree? There are many great options available, depending on your climate and growing conditions. Some popular choices include:

  • Hostas: These shade-loving plants add a touch of elegance to any garden.
  • Ferns: Ferns are another great choice for shady areas. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can find the perfect one to complement your red maple tree.
  • Azaleas: Azaleas are beautiful flowering shrubs that thrive in acidic soil. They add a pop of color to any garden, and they can help to attract pollinators.
  • Rhododendrons: Rhododendrons are another type of flowering shrub that loves acidic soil. They come in a variety of colors, so you can find the perfect one to match your red maple tree.
  • Hydrangeas: Hydrangeas are a popular choice for their large, colorful blooms. They can be grown in either sun or shade, and they come in a variety of colors.

For more information about red maple tree companion plants, please visit Home Gardening.

FAQ of red maple tree companion plants

What are some good companion plants for red maple trees?

Red maple trees are large deciduous trees that can grow up to 100 feet tall. They have a spreading canopy that provides shade, which can make it difficult for other plants to grow underneath. However, there are a few companion plants that can thrive in the shade of a red maple tree. Some good options include:

  • Ferns: Ferns are shade-loving plants that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are relatively low-maintenance and can add a touch of elegance to any garden. Image of Ferns under red maple tree
  • Hostas: Hostas are another good option for shade-tolerant plants. They come in a wide range of colors, from green to blue to yellow. Hostas are also relatively easy to care for and can add a splash of color to any garden. Image of Hostas under red maple tree
  • Azaleas: Azaleas are beautiful flowering shrubs that can tolerate some shade. They come in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, and white. Azaleas require well-drained soil and regular watering. Image of Azaleas under red maple tree
  • Coral bells: Coral bells are low-growing perennials that produce bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. They are shade-tolerant and drought-tolerant, making them a good choice for gardens with dry or shady spots. Image of Coral bells under red maple tree
  • Virginia creeper: Virginia creeper is a fast-growing vine that can be trained to climb up the trunk of a red maple tree. It produces small white flowers in the spring and fall foliage that turns shades of red, orange, and yellow. Virginia creeper is relatively easy to care for and can add a touch of autumn color to your garden. Image of Virginia creeper under red maple tree

What are the factors to consider when choosing companion plants for red maple trees?

When choosing companion plants for red maple trees, there are a few factors to consider, including:

  • Sunlight: Red maple trees need full sun to partial shade. When choosing companion plants, make sure they will be able to tolerate the amount of sunlight that reaches the area under the tree.
  • Soil type: Red maple trees prefer moist, well-drained soil. When choosing companion plants, make sure they will be able to tolerate the same soil conditions.
  • Water requirements: Red maple trees require regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. When choosing companion plants, make sure they have similar water requirements.
  • Growth rate: Red maple trees can grow quite large. When choosing companion plants, make sure they will not be overwhelmed by the size of the tree.
  • Color: Red maple trees can have a variety of leaf colors, including green, red, orange, and yellow. When choosing companion plants, consider the color of the tree and choose plants that will complement the overall look of your garden.

Image of red maple tree companion plants

  1. Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is a tall, hardy perennial that blooms in shades of purple, pink, and white. It attracts butterflies and other pollinators, and its roots have medicinal properties. Image of Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) companion plant for red maple tree
  2. Daylily (Hemerocallis) is another tall, hardy perennial that blooms in a wide range of colors. It is deer-resistant and drought-tolerant, making it a good choice for areas with poor soil. Image of Daylily (Hemerocallis) companion plant for red maple tree
  3. Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is a native wildflower that blooms in bright yellow flowers with a dark brown center. It is a pollinator magnet and attracts beneficial insects that help control pests. Image of Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) companion plant for red maple tree
  4. Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) is a tall, herbaceous perennial that blooms in spikes of blue, lavender, or pink flowers. It has a strong licorice scent that deters pests, and it attracts butterflies and other pollinators. Image of Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) companion plant for red maple tree
  5. Turtlehead (Chelone obliqua) is a native wildflower that blooms in tubular pink or white flowers. It is a good choice for wet areas and attracts butterflies and other pollinators. Image of Turtlehead (Chelone obliqua) companion plant for red maple tree
  6. Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) is a native wildflower that blooms in clusters of blue, bell-shaped flowers. It prefers moist soil and partial shade. Image of Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) companion plant for red maple tree
  7. Hosta is a genus of shade-loving perennials that come in a wide range of colors and leaf shapes. They are deer-resistant and low-maintenance, making them a good choice for underplanting red maple trees. Image of Hosta companion plant for red maple tree
  8. Astilbe is a genus of herbaceous perennials that bloom in spikes of white, pink, or purple flowers. They prefer moist, well-drained soil and partial shade. Image of Astilbe companion plant for red maple tree
  9. Butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) is a tall, shrubby perennial that blooms in masses of fragrant purple, blue, or white flowers. It attracts butterflies and other pollinators, but it can be invasive in some areas. Image of Butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) companion plant for red maple tree
  10. Shrub roses are a good choice for adding color and interest to the understory of red maple trees. They come in a wide range of colors and sizes, and most are relatively easy to care for. Image of Shrub roses companion plant for red maple tree

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